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The foundation is registered as an unincorporated charity under a Trust Deed dated 19 December 1979 and is
governed under the covenants contained within.

The principal objective of the charity is to advance the education of the public in the history of the Islamic world,
Egypt and the Mohamed Ali family by providing an archive of historical interest, making, from time to time,
charitable donations as directed by the Trustees and in accordance with the Foundation's constitution.


The Foundation’s 10-year Fellowship programme at the University of Durham was endowed and launched and
started in late 2018.


Material continues to be added to the historical archive at the University of Durham Library.


TrusteesPrince Abbas Hilmi, Prince Daoud Hilmi, Princess Deniz Hilmi, Princess Mediha Hilmi, Princess Sabiha Hilmi, Seif El Rashidi, Dr. Shahira El Sawy 



About: About Us

235 Old Marylebone Road
London, NW1 5QT

The Foundation is a UK charity (number 279253) established by a Trust Deed dated December 19th,1979.

©2021 by Mohamed Ali Foundation.

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